by Patricia A. Schaeffer, Executive Director, The Center for Corporate Equality
The Center for Corporate Equality has announced it will release the results of its EEO-1 Resurvey benchmarking mini-survey within the next few weeks. Survey participants will receive detailed results prior to the public release of the survey summary. Company identifiable information will not be released.
A preliminary review of the survey responses indicate participation by 37 companies with a total of more than $500 billion in annual revenues, nearly 1.2 million employees, and 20,369 locations. These statistics are expected to grow as late submissions of survey inputs are processed.
Company participants in the benchmarking survey are from a cross-section of industries including: high technology, utilities, publishing, aerospace and defense, non-durable consumer goods, health and liability insurance, transportation, biotechnology, banking and financial services, food manufacturing, turf equipment manufacturing, management consulting, consumer electronics retailer, and human services.
For information on corporate membership in The Center for Corporate Equality, please contact Patricia Schaeffer at or 202-293-2220.