2021 EEO-1 Component 1 Data Collection Notice

On March 22nd, 2022, EEOC updated the EEO-1 Component 1 Online Filing System (OFS) The OFS now provides access to helpful resources including the 2021 EEO-1 Component 1 Instruction Booklet and frequently asked questions (FAQs), by visiting the Filer Support Center site. The EEO-1 Component 1 Report filing system is tentatively set to open on Tuesday, April 12th, 2022. Additional changes to the OFS include:

  • New Filer Support Team Message Center,
  • Enhanced Self Service functions,
  • Ability to create individual user accounts.

All filer inquiries must be submitted through the new Filer Support Team Message Center. To submit an inquiry to the Message Center, users must log into the OFS. Once logged in, users will see the Message Center icon (i.e., envelope) in the top right corner of the screen. By clicking on this icon, users will be able to access the Message Center and submit their inquiry to the Filer Support Team.

Returning Users will be prompted to reset their passwords after using the email address and password they had established for the 2019/20 EEO-1 Component 1 data collection.

New users, after creating an account, will be able to link their individual user account to an existing company record by selecting “Add Company to Your List” on the home screen. In addition, the new user would need to:

  • enter certain information about their company, such as the company EIN and number of employees entered during the 2020 EEO-1 Component 1 Report, or
  • enter their Company ID and PIN, sent via postal mail in early April.

Reminder, the deadline to submit and certify the EEO-1 Component Report is Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 and all organizations must file their information through the OFS.

DCI will continue to monitor developments and will bring you updates as they occur.  

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