30 Day Settlement Round Up

Similar to previous years, the end of the Federal fiscal year was busy for the OFCCP.  The OFCCP settled six cases in September for which a press release was issued, showing clear motivation to settle up cases before the end of the year. This is a stark contrast to other months where OFCCP averaged less than one settlement press release per month. Each of these settlements involved cases that started in 2010 or earlier. As summarized in the table below, each of the settlements involved failure-to-hire allegations. However several of the settlements also involved “steering” allegations. It should be noted that based on the description in the press release, and the lack of remedy, the Hillshire settlement appears to be only a failure-to-hire case.  For further information, the press release for each case can be found in the table below. Additionally, several of the cases, such as Central Parking and Fort Myer, Westat, and GE Lighting, were summarized in a previous blog.


Company Settlement Amount OFCCP Allegations Press Release Date
Central Parking Co. $275,000  - Failure to Hire (Race)
 - Steering (Sex)
Great Plains Coca-Cola $475,000  - Failure to Hire (Sex) 9/4/2014
Westat $1,500,000  - Failure to Hire (Race and Sex)
 - Technical/record-keeping  violations
GE Lighting $537,000  - Failure to Hire/Testing (Sex) 9/11/2014
Fort Myer Construction $900,000  - Failure to Hire (Race and Sex)
 - Termination (Race)
 - Steering/Pay (Race)
 - Harassment (Race and Sex)
Hillshire $330,000  - Failure to Hire (Sex-Men)
 - Steering (Sex)


By: Kristen Pryor, Associate Consultant, and  Amanda Shapiro, M.S., Senior Consultant, DCI Consulting Group

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