A message from our CEO

A message from our CEO, David Cohen:

I want to take a moment to reflect upon the recent events and how painful it is to watch. There is no question that we have a lot of work to do in this country to break down barriers and heal our racial divide. 

When I started in the affirmative action and equal employment field over 20 years ago, I was so confident that social progress would make it so that I would be out of a job well before it was time for me to retire. 

Today, I am not so sure about that. 

What I do know is that the work we are doing today to ensure affirmative action and equal employment opportunity in the workplace is just as important as it was 50 years ago. We still have a lot more work to do. We take pride in our mission and are proud of what we do on a daily basis. We are partnering with our clients to ensure non-discrimination in the workplace for women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans. Thank you to those who support that mission.

Let’s keep on fighting!

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