Compliance Assistance: Have No Fear

OFCCP recently reiterated that Federal contractors or subcontractors seeking compliance assistance from the OFCCP can do so without fear of retaliation, in the form of a compliance evaluation, as expressed in the OFCCP’s Non-Retaliation Policy for Federal Contractors. However, at a recent American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA) conference, OFCCP Director Pat Shiu expressed that contractors should not “...wait until we come knocking at your door to start asking for help.” So when should a contractor seek assistance?


Small or new federal contractors or subcontractors

  • Take advantage of the compliance and technical assistance offered in the form of online resources and in-person seminars. Topics covered range from developing an AAP to preparing for an audit.
  • Attend a local Industry Liaison Group meeting where guest speakers may include local OFCCP staff. It is also a great way to interact with other federal contractors and share best practices.


Established federal contractors or subcontractors

  • Enhance your outreach efforts by attending a local outreach event, hosted by the OFCCP, to network with local community based organizations.
  • Attend the in-person seminars as a refresher or to assist in the training of new compliance staff.
  • Be on the lookout for interactive webinars that are offered to inform contractors of compliance or regulatory updates.


by Keli Wilson, M.A., Senior Consultant and Yevonessa Hall, M.P.S., HR Analyst, DCI Consulting Group

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