Contractors Receive Spring 2010 CSAL From OFCCP

by Fred Satterwhite, Senior Consultant, DCI Consulting Group

Federal contractors are currently receiving the Spring 2010 edition of OFCCP's Corporate Scheduling Announcement Letter (CSAL), which was sent to contractors' chief executive officers at the beginning of April. The CSAL notifies a contractor that two or more of its establishments are on the list of establishments selected to undergo a compliance evaluation during the current scheduling cycle.

The Spring 2010 version is identical in form and content to the Fall 2009 version. It appears that in the current fiscal year, OFCCP is including distinct establishment lists in the Fall and Spring CSAL's. Last year, OFCCP included some establishments on both the Fall and Spring CSAL's sent to a contractor, if such establishments had not been scheduled for a compliance review during the first half of the fiscal year.

Beginning in the current fiscal year, there is no limit on the number of compliance evaluations that OFCCP may schedule or conduct per contractor during a fiscal year.

According to OFCCP's web site, contractors may confirm whether their company was mailed a CSAL by faxing a written request on company letterhead to the Division of Policy, Planning & Program Development at 202-693-1304 (not a toll-free number).

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