Contractors Take Note: OFCCP Customer Experience Survey

Beginning August 17th, many contractors have received an email from OFCCP for an OFCCP Customer Experience Survey, linking to a unique SurveyMonkey link. In the justification to OMB, OFCCP noted the survey would be sent to contractors who have undergone a compliance evaluation during the last fiscal year; however, the OFCCP website indicates that the survey has been deployed to federal contractors that have undergone a compliance evaluation in the past four years.  This survey is completely voluntary and contractors can choose whether or not to participate in the survey.  However, contractors should be aware that their responses may not be anonymous if completed via the link.  OFCCP states the survey is private and further indicated it is anonymous on its website. However, the survey links appear to be unique to each contact’s email address and can technically be linked to a respondent’s email address via SurveyMonkey.  Therefore, if a contractors wants to complete the survey, but has confidentially concerns, the contractor may print the survey and send it to OFCCP. OFCCP’s website indicates the following:

In designing the survey, OFCCP selected the option in SurveyMonkey that makes survey responses anonymous. SurveyMonkey is not collecting and sharing data with OFCCP that would personally identify survey respondents, including IP address. OFCCP encourages contractors to participate in the online survey. However, if your organization received the survey electronically but prefers to print and mail a copy of the completed survey, please do so anonymously by mailing it to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Debra Carr, Director, Division of Policy and Program Development, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room C-3325, Washington, D.C., 20210.
The text of the survey email to contractors reads as follows:
OFCCP is seeking information on contractors' experiences during its compliance evaluation process. The information you provide on this survey will help us better understand the effectiveness of the process and identify possible areas that might be enhanced for future compliance evaluations. This survey, which can be accessed at {unique Survey Monkey link provided here} will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is voluntary. It will be used for program evaluation purposes only and the information collected will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.

The questions in the survey address your experience during a compliance evaluation, such as the accuracy of the information OFCCP provided, the volume of materials requested, and other similar experiences. At the end of the survey you will have the opportunity to provide suggestions for improving your interaction with OFCCP.

If you have technical difficulties in accessing the online survey, please contact

The survey will remain open until October 31, 2015.

We thank you for participating in this survey about OFCCP’s compliance evaluation process.

Please note: If you do not wish to receive further surveys from us, please click the link below, and you will be automatically removed from our list.


By Joanna Colosimo, Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting Group 

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