DCI Announces Comprehensive Affirmative Action Self-Audit Services

DCI is pleased to announce that it is expanding its EEO and Affirmative Action practice area to include comprehensive self-audit services. Harold Busch, DCI Vice President of Government Relations, will lead this important initiative. He will work closely with clients to conduct comprehensive internal self-audit programs and assist them in addressing the audit findings. Harold’s prior thirty years of career experience in the EEO field, including his positions at the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs as Director of the Division of Program Operations and Acting Regional Director of the Northeast Region, makes him uniquely well-suited to lead this important initiative.

The decision whether or not to conduct a self-audit is an important one. DCI believes that it is far better for an organization to know what its internal problems are than to be in the dark and hope no one else finds out first. We also believe that companies that undergo self-audits of their EEO and affirmative action programs should be committed to act upon the results.

DCI looks forward to working with our clients’ EEO and affirmative action leaders, as well as their legal counsel, in conducting comprehensive self-audits. For more information, contact DCI at contracts@dciconsult.com or (202) 828-6900 ext. 230.

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