No Extensions on the VETS-4212 Filings so Far

As we previously noted, the EEO-1 reporting deadline has been extended to October 30, 2015. However, the VETS-4212 reporting deadline remains September 30, 2015. The batch upload functionality, which was malfunctioning through last week in the VETS system, appears to have been repaired as of this week. In other words, contractors seem to be able to upload files in the system, and those uploads are now properly displaying the counts of employees and hires by location. If a file was previously uploaded and showing data incorrectly, uploading the file again will overwrite the old data and should display correctly. This should, of course, be verified for accuracy.

Despite the issues with the batch upload, requests for a filing deadline extension have thus far been denied. The VETS Administration response to requests reads in part: “The VETS-4212 Report is due annually between August 1 and September 30.  Request for filing extensions are not being accepted. However, reports may continue to be filed while the VETS-4212 Reporting Application is actively accepting submissions.”

It is unclear if this means that the September 30, 2015 deadline is automatically extended for as long as the VETS-4212 reporting system remains open (typically at least through October). More importantly, this stance is a stark departure from previous filing years when extensions have been granted to contractors needing additional filing time, especially in light of system issues beyond their control.

For now, contractors should do everything in their power to file the VETS-4212 reports by September 30, 2015. As mentioned, contractors have until October 30, 2015 for the EEO-1 filings. We will keep you updated on any new developments.

By Kristen Pryor, Consultant and Joanna Colosimo, Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting Group 

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