Formica Settles Race Discrimination Case With OFCCP For $291,000

The settlement was reported on April 25, 2013 in a DOL News Brief. For undisclosed reasons, the specifics of the settlement have, as of this writing, not appeared in the OFCCP news site (see However, other sources, including BNA Reports, are sketchy on the details of the settlement and story behind it. Here is what I have been able to pull together from various Internet sources.


The OFCCP claims it found statistical indicators of discrimination against African Americans at Formica’s Cincinnati manufacturing plant from January 2007 through March 2008, for which Formica will pay $290,725 to nearly 400 class members (for back pay, interest, and benefits). Formica also agreed to make job offers to 20 class members as jobs (in production work) become available, to maintain records documenting its hiring process, to train all hiring personnel, and to issue a detailed progress report covering the next 18 months.I scoured various sources, but could not come up with specifics on what the hiring process was and what exactly the statistics were.  If anyone has any further information, please let us know.


By Art Gutman, Ph.D., Professor, Florida Institute of Technology

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