New Guidance on Job Listing Options for “Remote Jobs”

The requirement to list job openings with the appropriate employment service delivery system (ESDS) where the opening occurs is not new. However, contractors have questioned how to interpret and comply with this requirement for flexible “remote jobs” in which an employee can telework from any location. In response, the OFCCP posted a new frequently asked question on their website. OFCCP stated that “for a job opening that does not require the employee to report to, or work from, a specific location, a contractor may satisfy the job listing requirement by listing the job opening with the state or local ESDS where the work unit, division, department or supervisor to which the employee will report or be assigned is located”. This is great guidance for organizations with satellite offices or ‘work from home’ positions.

By Keli Wilson, M.A., Senior Consultant, and Yevonessa Hall, M.P.S., Consultant at DCI Consulting Group

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