New Process for EEO-1 Data File Uploads in 2016

The filing period for the 2016 EEO-1 and VETS-4212 reports is quickly approaching, and the 2016 Survey for EEO-1 reports is expected to open at some point next week. Companies will then have until September 30th to complete these annual filing requirements.

Starting today, the EEO-1 Joint Reporting Committee (JRC) has been informing organizations that all reporting for the EEO-1 reports will now be done electronically, meaning that you will no longer be required to email your datafile directly to a member of the EEO-1 JRC. This is especially useful for contractors who had many locations and utilized the datafile upload process in the past, which required the contractor to send their data file via email to representatives at the EEO-1 JRC.  By uploading your datafile directly to the production database according to the JRC’s specifications, you will be immediately informed of your acceptance or of any errors regarding the submission. This means that you will no longer have to wait for confirmation that your datafile has been successfully uploaded via email.

According to the JRC, the electronic datafile submission process is designed to improve your overall reporting experience, reduce the overall burden, and increase the transparency by showing you issues in “real time”. Please note that your 2015 password will not work for the 2016 filings for EEO-1 or VETS-4212 reports, so please ensure that you have reset your VETS-4212 password for this filing cycle if it has not already been completed. For EEO-1 reports you should receive password notification from the EEO-1 JRC.

As a reminder for VETS-4212 filings:

  • Contractors should be reporting on all employees and annual hires under VETS-4212 regardless of whether or not they have self-identified protected veteran status. Even those who have chosen to provide no response at all should be accounted when reporting numbers for total employment and hiring.
  • VETS-4212 reports require only aggregate-level reporting on protected veterans hires and employees. Additionally, under VETS-4212 reporting, individuals identifying with multiple protected veteran categories should be counted only once. If you are having trouble determining protected veteran status, please refer to the OFCCP’s updated infographic for further clarification.

As we continue to move toward the annual filing deadline of September 30th, please stay tuned for additional updates, reminders, and guidance with regard to these annual filings.

By Brittany Dian, Associate Consultant, and Joanna Colosimo, Associate Principal Consultant at DCI Consulting Group 

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