OFCCP Courtesy Notifications Release

DCI Consulting Group has been informed by a reliable source that OFCCP's courtesy notification (previously, the Corporate Scheduling Announcement Letter (CSAL)) will be released this week. This letter serves as an advanced courtesy to federal contractors and subcontractors that one or more of their establishments has been identified for a potential compliance evaluation by OFCCP during the current scheduling cycle. To our knowledge, 2,193 letters will be sent to establishments of a total of 856 federal contractors. These letters are expected at the establishment itself, rather than to the corporate contact. Contractors are advised to notify their establishments that these letters will be going out and to instruct personnel on who to contact if they receive a courtesy notification.

Of note in this particular courtesy notification is the implementation of a limit of no more than 35 newly scheduled compliance evaluations per contractor within a fiscal year. Under the prior administration, a similar rule was utilized, placing a maximum of 25 compliance evaluations. As there is no regulatory or statutory limit on the number of establishments that can be scheduled per contractor, this practice was discontinued in 2009 under the current administration. OFCCP has discretion to set such a limit, based on the agency resources available at the time of a particular list’s development. OFCCP has posted a related FAQ that states:

“In the FY 2014 Scheduling List, OFCCP limited the number of compliance evaluations to a total of no more than 35 for each corporate parent. Also, with respect to the FY 2014 list, each district office was assigned no more than one CMCE and one College/University evaluation.”

Additional related FAQs can be found on OFCCP’s website - Federal Contractor Selection System and Courtesy Notification.

by Jana Garman, M.A., Associate Consultant, DCI Consulting Group

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