OFCCP Sends Latest Round of CSAL Notices to Contractor Establishments

OFCCP recently mailed its latest round of "courtesy" notices- the Corporate Scheduling Announcement Letter- to federal contractor establishments around the country. The form letters, dated March 27, 2013 and generically addressed to the "Human Resources Director" at the contractor's address, notify the contractor that the establishment has been chosen for possible scheduling of a supply and service compliance evaluation during the current OFCCP scheduling cycle.

Unlike previous years, OFCCP is not sending CSAL notices to a corporation's headquarters, but rather directly to the establishment on the scheduling list. Contractors may confirm whether an establishment was mailed a CSAL by faxing a written request on company letterhead to OFCCP's Division of Program Operations at 202-693-1305.

DCI will provide more information about the CSALs soon.

by Fred Satterwhite, Principal Consultant, DCI Consulting Group


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