Resurvey: How do your Disability Self-ID rates measure up?

Last spring, DCI surveyed Federal contractors to assess participation rates regarding the revised Section 503 regulations (2015 results). The majority of contractors have likely reached a year of full compliance and implementation under the revised regulations. Given this, DCI has decided to re-survey the contractor community in hopes of gathering more robust self-identification benchmarks.

Under these regulations, Federal contractors are now collecting voluntary self-identifications of disability status from employees and applicants and including these figures in their affirmative action plans. Self-identification is voluntary, so contractors may not compel employees or applicants to complete and turn in the form. Therefore, 100% participation of employees or applicants in the voluntary invitation is not likely.

Based on this information, DCI clients have raised concerns about low participation rates in this voluntary invitation and the impact that this will have on the disability goals and other analytics.  Therefore, we have put together a short survey for Federal contractors to share their self-identification participation rates to establish an industry benchmark for contractor awareness. Your participation in this survey is strongly encouraged. All information gathered from this survey will be kept anonymous, and results will be shared only in the aggregate.

Please answer these questions as they relate to the entire company and not individual establishments. Even if you participated last year, we encourage you to participate again, as we will be analyzing a new data set and sharing the results.


By Bryce Hansell, HR Analyst and Keli Wilson, Principal Consultant at DCI Consulting Group 

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