EEO 2014-2018 Tabulation Data Release and Initial DCI Observations

The United States Census Bureau has released the EEO 2014-2018 Tabulation data, as well as crosswalk and definition files, on their website. This EEO Tabulation data details race/ethnicity and sex counts by census occupation code and geographical area.

This is a primary source that federal contractors utilize for creating availability benchmarks. The availability benchmarks allow companies to evaluate their company representation to the labor force market that is identified as being similar in job qualifications in the geographic area the company resides and/or recruits from.  

DCI has downloaded the data and is preparing it for use in affirmative action plans and diversity metric projects. There are notable differences between the previous and current EEO Tabulations. These observations include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Reduced geographical areas (from 2,908 to 2,808 areas) 
  • Reduced census occupation codes (from 488 to 237 codes) 
    • 325 occupations were aggregated to create 71 broader occupational groupings 
    • 126 census occupation codes and their descriptions remained the same 
    • 9 occupations had changes in their description but kept same occupation code  
    • 16 occupations codes changed but kept same occupation description 
    • 11 occupation codes changed including verbiage in their occupation description 
    • Introduction of 2 new occupations
      • 705 - Project Management Specialist (new) 
      • 1980 - Occupational health and safety specialists and technicians (new)
    • 1 occupation code split out into 2 new occupations 
      • 6765 - Miscellaneous construction workers, including solar photovoltaic installers, septic tank servicers and server pipe cleaners (old) 
        • 6540 - Solar photovoltaic installer (new) 
        • 6765 - Other construction and related workers (new) 

The extent of impact that reduced census occupation codes may have on affirmative action plan development may depend on the industry 

  • The airline industry will only have one census occupation code for air transportation workers (9030 – Air transportation workers), which was previously three census occupation codes (9030 - Aircraft pilots and flight engineers, 9040 - Air traffic controllers and airfield operations specialists, and 9050 - Flight attendants).  
  • Industries with production and operative workers will now have 24 operative occupations aggregated into one census occupation code (7010 – Other installation, maintenance, and repair workers) and 20 production workers aggregated into one census occupation code (8640 – Other production workers).  
  • The healthcare industry will see numerous changes including the grouping of 17 occupations into 3 broader occupation descriptions (3150 – Other Therapists, 3300 – Other health technologists and technicians, and 3630 – Other healthcare support occupations)  

These changes could create situations where the availability benchmark is not as meaningful at a job title level and may lead to the need for more customized availability data. DCI will continue to explore what industries may be most impacted by the aggregation in census occupation codes, as well as what impact there may be with a reduction in geographical areas.  

More information will be forthcoming from DCI regarding specific census code changes and implications, including any OFCCP comments. Please look for a webinar opportunity in which DCI consultants will share additional observations.

By Keli Wilson, Principal Consultant, and Marcelle Clavette, Consultant

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