Certified Contractors on CSAL Eligible for Administrative Closures

By: Joanna Colosimo, Cassie Alfheim, and Leilani Seged 

DCI has confirmed with the National Office of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) that, in accordance with the published Corporate Scheduling Announcement List (CSAL) methodology, many contractors were selected for audit in error.

As outlined in the agency’s CSAL methodology, OFCCP intended to only select establishments or functional units belonging to contractors who failed to certify their compliance in OFCCP's Contractor Portal as of December 1, 2022. As a result, contractors on the most recent CSAL who had certified their compliance in OFCCP's Contractor Portal are eligible to have their audits administratively closed by the agency.  

Contractors seeking administrative closure of any audits perceived to have been mistakenly selected for audit should email Dr. Javaid Kaiser at OFCCP-DPO-Scheduling@DOL.gov. This email should note that the company had certified its compliance for the establishment(s) or functional unit(s) included in the most recent CSAL. Contractors should also include addresses for the certified establishment(s) or functional unit(s). 

DCI and others in the industry have identified many contractor establishments and functional units on the CSAL that should be eligible for administrative closures. With only 500 audits on the CSAL, it begs the question if OFCCP will be issuing a new CSAL sooner than anticipated, given the volume of administrative closures expected. 

DCI will keep its clients and the federal contractor community apprised as this situation unfolds. You can also read more about the CSAL in our earlier blog post.

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