EEO-1 Update: One Step Closer

Last week, EEOC published a notice of information collection in the Federal Register for a 30-day comment period. As with the initial 60-Day Notice, EEOC continues to seek a three-year approval for the standard EEO-1 data collection (for years 2019, 2020, 2021), but with a new Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) control number for the form. In the 30-Day Notice, EEOC reiterates its intention to not seek approval of the Component 2 summary pay data collection. As discussed in a previous blog, EEOC determined that the uncertain utility of the Component 2 data was outweighed by the burden placed on employers to collect the data.

Typically, the filing deadline for the 2019 data would have been yesterday, March 31st; however, the filing period cannot begin until EEOC receives final approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In accordance with the PRA, after the 30-day comment period, OMB will review the final notice and form; OMB will either approve, reject, or return the form for modification. Comments for the 30-Day Notice are due no later than April 22, 2020.  Given this timeline, we are likely several months, at least, from a filing deadline for the 2019 reports. 

As communicated by EEOC to employers via direct email (February 28, 2020), and stated on the EEO-1 and EEOC webpages, EEOC will send a notification directly to employers when the opening of the collection, and new deadline date, is known. Stay tuned for updates.

By Amanda Bowman, Associate Principal Consultant at DCI Consulting Group

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