By: Amanda Bowman
Today, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) published its latest Corporate Scheduling Announcement List (CSAL) for Supply and Service compliance reviews. The list includes 770 unique companies and is comprised of 2,000 total reviews, including 1880 establishment-based reviews, 60 Corporate Management Compliance Evaluations (CMCE), 48 Functional Affirmative Action Program (FAAP) reviews, and 12 college/university reviews.
In addition to the CSAL, OFCCP published the methodology for developing the list. As with the June 2024 CSAL, OFCCP has prioritized employee count when determining what establishments or FAAPs made the final list. To limit the burden on any single company, OFCCP placed a limit of ten establishments, including CMCEs, and four functional units (for FAAP reviews) for a single parent company. This is an increase from recent CSALs which included maximum limits of two and four per parent company. The methodology does not indicate that a contractor with multiple reviews will be managed by a single OFCCP region. This is also a departure from recent CSALs, but would be a return to OFCCPs typical case management.
What is a CSAL?
OFCCP gives federal contractors notification of pending compliance evaluations by issuing a CSAL in advance of sending out scheduling letters. A CSAL is a “courtesy” notice to an establishment or functional unit that it has been selected to undergo an audit by OFCCP. It does not initiate an audit but instead provides additional time for preparation. Employers with reviews on this CSAL will receive an OFCCP scheduling letter at the onset of the compliance review. The current methodology does not indicate that OFCCP will delay initiating reviews from this list, so letters could start being sent at any time. As of November 1, 2024, OFCCP was more than 54% through scheduling the June 2024 CSAL evaluations, so there are likely district offices ready to open new cases. To learn more about this letter and its requirements for contractors, view our blog here.
More information and updates will be provided as DCI learns more information. If you are a DCI client, your consultant will be in touch if you are listed on the CSAL.