OFCCP Acknowledges Release of the 2014-2018 Census EEO Tabulation

Contractors are now able to use the updated labor force demographics with the most recent release of the 2014-2018 Census EEO Tabulation. While the release has been much anticipated from the current outdated 2006-2010 data, at this time OFCCP has only recommended contractors begin to familiarize itself with the data.  

The EEO Census Tabulation has been consistently used by federal contractors to complete their annual affirmative action program requirements when determining if any areas of their workforce are underutilized for females and/or minorities. The census data captures individuals who are qualified and available from the external labor market so contractors can reference its current workforce composition for goal setting purposes.  OFCCP reminds contractors on their availability resources page they are required, with citation to 41 CFR 60-2.14(d), to “use the most current and discrete statistical information available to derive availability figures.”   

The Census Bureau is currently updating its site with data tools and documentation to align with the 2014-2018 census release. Once the site is completed, OFCCP will issue a notice to inform all contractors of the requirement to use the new census data in their affirmative action programs. OFCCP has stated it will provide contractors “plenty of time to integrate new data into their AAPs” and plans to provide technical assistance to contracts on the new data tools. In the meantime, clients can access DCI’s Census Data Lookup tool to view the 2018 EEO Tabulation Table 1r data, which includes a download feature for alternative viewing options. 

The 2014-2018 Census EEO Tabulation release has brought up numerous questions from the contractor community on its practical implications because of numerous methodology changes. DCI recommends clients listen to our webinar “Making Census of the New EEO Tabulation” that outlines various changes with the new census release and the implications in your affirmative action programs. DCI will continue to monitor OFCCP’s guidance and provide any updates.   

By: Marcelle Clavette, Consultant 

Resources for Federal Contractors Determining Availability: Census EEO Tabulation | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)

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