Recent Update from NORC Regarding Company User ID Requests

On September 12, 2019 the Component 2 EEO-1 HelpDesk released an answer to an FAQ they have been receiving regarding company user IDs for the NORC system. As a reminder, companies are required to use new login information when filing via the NORC system, as they are unable to use the same credentials used for the Component 1 filings.

If a company has not yet received their new user ID for the NORC system, the HelpDesk has outlined the procedures to follow to obtain these credentials. This step-by-step procedure is intended to streamline the process, as the HelpDesk is currently inundated with questions and may be delayed in their responses.

To receive their NORC login credentials, companies should:

  • Send an email to the HelpDesk with the following subject line: “COMP 2 – NEED USERID”
  • In the body of the email:
    • Confirm the company has at least 100 employees
    • Specify whether the company filed Component 1 EEO-1 reports for 2017 and 2018
    • Provide the following information:
      • Company name
      • Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
      • Contact information of who is responsible for filing the Component 2 reports

It is advised that if a company is in need of their login details that they send the above correspondence to the HelpDesk as soon as possible in order to ensure timely filings.

DCI will continue to provide updates on Component 2 throughout the month. As a reminder, Component 2 reports are to be filed in the NORC system by Monday, September 30, 2019. To visit the NORC page, click here.

By Lily Kerr, HR Analyst at DCI Consulting Group


* Please Note that DCI is unable to assist employers by requesting the User ID on their behalf.

Lily Kerr, M.S.

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