VETS-4212 Website is Active for 2018 Filing Season

The Department of Labor has opened the VETS-4212 reporting website for the 2018 filing season, which officially started on August 1st and continues through the filing deadline of September 30, 2018. The Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) typically does not grant any extensions beyond September 30th.

Federal contractors and subcontractors with a contract or subcontract of $150,000 or more are required to file VETS-4212 reports. As a reminder, the VETS-4212 system requires all users to reset their password each year.

The official VETS-4212 “ending period” or snapshot date is the ending date of a pay period that falls between July 1st and August 31st. However, as we shared last year, VETS clarified that contractors would be able to file using a December 31, 2017 snapshot so that they can align the data collection with the EEO-1 survey and reduce the administrative burden.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding VETS-4212 reports, you can contact VETS-4212 customer support at (866) 237-0275 or via email at

By David Sharrer, M.S., Senior Consultant at DCI Consulting

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