OMB Approves OFCCP’s Affirmative Action Program Verification Interface

On August 31, 2021 the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved OFCCP’s Affirmative Action Program Verification Interface. The final notification states that the verification was approved with change and the agency has also published a final AAP-VI User Guide. View OFCCP's Contractor Portal webpage.

View OFCCP's officially published Federal Contractor User Guide and the Admin Guide. 

OFCCP’s website still has a landing page for “AAP-VI” or the Affirmative Action Plan Verification Interface.  The page says, “Coming Soon” with the details “Affirmative Action Plan Verification Interface (AAP-VI) is a secure web-based interface created to improve communication and the transfer of Affirmative Action Plan data, between Federal Contractors and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.”  We expect this website to be updated shortly. 

There is currently no information regarding the implementation date. DCI will provide updates as they become available.  

View our DCI webinars discussing the Contractor Portal, formerly known as the Affirmative Action Program Verification Interface (AAP-VI). 

For more information reference DCI’s prior blog or view all DCI blogs on OFCCP.

Authors: David Cohen, President, Joanna Colosimo, Vice President of Workforce Equity & Compliance Strategy, Principal Consultant, and Rosemary Cox, Associate Principal Consultant

*Update: The official name of the mechanism that OFCCP has developed and rolled out for use is the Contractor Portal. DCI has several webinars and resources on the topic including:

Time to Certify: OFCCP's Contractor Portal

OFCCP's Contractor Portal

OFCCP's Contractor Portal User Guide

Rollout Timeline

Registration for the Contractor Portal opened on February 1, 2022.

The Certification period began on March 31, 2022.

On June 30th, 2022, the Certification period ends for Federal Contractors.

Contact DCI for more information or how DCI can help you prepare for certification.

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