Fiscal Year End OFCCP Trends

In previous years, DCI has noted that the end of the Federal government’s fiscal year tends to also be a busy time for OFCCP settlements. In our 2014 blog, we identified six settlements with press releases in the month of September alone.  It is interesting that there were a total of seven press released settlements in the entire January-September 2015 timeframe. The table below outlines the 2015 settlements published in press releases on the OFCCP website through September.

Along with the reduction in settlements published in press releases, there was also a reduction in the number of new audit scheduling letters received in 2015. Though the number of new audits is down, we are seeing more active and intense audits. This is likely due both to the increased volume of information required for the initial audit submission, per the revised scheduling letter, and to the increase in robust and detailed follow-up data requests.


Settlement Amount

OFCCP Allegation(s)

(Impacted Group)

Press Release Date

United Mail Services



  • Failure to Hire (African Americans)


Savannah River Nuclear Solutions


  • Pay Discrimination (Women and African Americans)


Lac Pac Manufacturing


  • Failure to Hire (Whites and African Americans)


Oral Arts Laboratory, Inc.


  • Failure to Hire (Women, Men, and African Americans)




  • Steering (Women)
  • Failure to Hire (African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics)


Lahey Clinic


  • Pay Discrimination (Women)



Johns Hopkins University


  • Harassment/retaliation (African American Women – complaint based)
  •  Pay Discrimination (Women)


By Kristen Pryor, Consultant and Brittany Dian, Analyst at DCI Consulting Group

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