The EEO Studio Episode 2: What it Means to Have a Respectful Workplace with Mark Nagy

Co-Hosts Keli Wilson and Rosemary Cox sit down with Mark Nagy, Founder & Senior Consultant at Marcus Management Consultants, LLC, to discuss what it means to be respectful in the workplace. To listen, click play below or click here to subscribe to The EEO Studio on iTunes.

EEO Studio Mark Quote

For nearly 20 years, Mark has consulted for a diverse set of organizations, ranging from a non-profit local women’s shelter consisting of 10 employees to a federal agency that employed (at the time) more than 240,000 employees. Mark has also consulted on a variety of organizational projects, such as developing and analyzing employee assessments, conducting training needs assessments, providing statistical consultation, implementing leadership development programs, and creating customized employee engagement surveys. His latest work involves developing a valid measure of civility and demonstrating the impact civility has on both employees and employers in the workplace.

Mark strongly believes in developing customized solutions for organizations based on their unique needs. From his experiences, Mark has learned that many organizations have similar problems, but the solutions to those problems are different. That is why he believes all organizational solutions must be custom-designed for each organization.

Mark received his master’s and doctoral degrees specializing in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Louisiana State University. In addition to co-owning a consulting firm, Marcus Management Consultants, LLC, he currently is the Director of the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Master of Arts graduate program at Xavier University. Mark has over 40 national conference presentations and 15 published articles in several journals, including The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and Applied H.R.M. Research.

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