EEO-1 Notifications Mailed & System Delay Announced

With EEO-1 filings expected to begin next Monday, April 26th, DCI received insight today that employers have begun to receive notification letters from the EEOC that contain company-specific login information (i.e., company ID and passcode).

Letters appear to be sent by mail to the company headquarters and generically addressed (e.g.,Dear HR Director, CEO, or Legal Counsel”). As a reminder, the current filing period will be for 2019 and 2020 data, with a deadline of July 19th, 2021.  

The notification letter also contains information regarding timeline and resources. Notably, it appears access to filing options will be on a phased timeline. As written about in a prior DCI blog, the EEO-1 system will open on April 26th; however, this will only provide access to the Online Form option for filing. The Data File Upload option—the common choice for employers—will not be available until late May. The data upload option is typically preferred, as the online form option requires manual data entry. For large employers with multiple establishments, the data upload is the only realistic option.    

The EEOC website is not yet updated to reflect the new dates and resources referenced in the notification letter. DCI advises clients to keep an eye out for their notification letters. With the increase of remote work due to COVID-19, extra care may be needed to communicate with those receiving and processing company mail.

DCI previously reported on EEO-1 Component 1 data collection. DCI continues to follow updates closely; stay tuned for additional information.

By Emily Kimble, HR Analyst and Amanda Bowman, Associate Principal Consultant

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