by Art Gutman Ph.D., Professor, Florida Institute of PsychologyThe case was about a firefighter entry-level exam administered to 26,000 applicants in July 2005 and scored in January 2006. Scores were banded into three categories: “well qualified”...
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by Art Gutman Ph.D., Professor, Florida Institute of PsychologyThe case is Schuler v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, decided on February 16, 2010. The case may be viewed online at Schuler alleged he was...
by Art Gutman Ph.D., Professor, Florida Institute of PsychologyIn a press release dated February 5, 2010, the EEOC reported the following facts based on EEO-1 data extracts in 2008. Key facts include:
- Of the approximately 62 million private sector...
by Art Gutman Ph.D., Professor, Florida Institute of PsychologyOn January 21, 2010 Linda S. Chapman, a Labor Department Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), ruled that Bank of America (BOA) was guilty of a pattern or practice of discrimination against...
In a ruling handed down on January 11, 2010 (Harrison v. Benchmark Electronics [2010 U.S. App. LEXIS 632; 22 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. C 416] the 11th Circuit ruled that Benchmark violated the ADA by making an illegal medical inquiry prior to a...
On January 6, 2010, the Chicago Sun-Times ( reported that the City of Chicago is considering scrapping its entry exam. This article, written by Fran...
In Decmeber 2009, the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut settled a reverse discrimination lawsuit with 11 white and 1 Hispanic firefighters relating to a promotion exam. The original weightings on the exam (50% written, 45% oral & 5% seniority) were...
The Department of Homeland Security has posted on its website that federal contractors (and subcontractors) will be required to use E Verify (Executive Order 12989) as of September 8, 2009. President Bush amended the new rule by on June 6, 2008,...
by Sul-Kee Kim, David Morgan & Keli Wilson, DCI Consulting Group
DCI attended the Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington’s (PTC/MW) monthly Luncheon Meeting on April 15, 2009. Rich Tonowski, Ph.D., Chief Psychologist at EEOC, gave a...
by David Morgan & Eric Dunleavy, DCI Consulting Group
The 24th Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) took place April 2-4, 2009 in New Orleans, LA. DCI staff were among those who attended and...