EEO-1 Filing Deadline Expected in July

EEOC announced Friday, March 12th that the filing portal is now expected to open at the end of April 2021 and close in July 2021. The exact open and close dates have not been announced, but EEOC did note that the closing date will be posted once the data collection begins (i.e., end of April).  

As a reminder, both the 2019 and 2020 EEO-1 filings have been delayed until April of this year.   Notifications regarding the site opening and log-in information will be sent to employers in April, so be sure to notify EEOC if any important changes (e.g., contact information) have occurred. EEO-1 resources (e.g., User Guide) will be posted to the new EEO-1 site ( in mid-April.

DCI will continue to provide updates as EEOC releases new information; stay tuned.

Need assistance with your EEO-1 Filing? We can help. 



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