Since its release in February 2013, Directive 307 has certainly been on the mind of federal contractors. This blog has covered a number of issues related to Directive 307 that may make proactive analyses of pay equity complicated. One such issue...
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In a press release dated July 17, 2013, the OFCCP announced that Tufts Associated Health Plans has agreed to a $372,739 settlement related to charges of race-based discrimination in termination and retaliation.
I recently described the prongs of...
The case is University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, decided on June 24, 2013 [2013 U.S. LEXIS 4704]. Excuse my delay … I have been wrestling with relevant background factors to provide the best framework for describing the ruling....
In our last update on the proposed Protected Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities regulations, we discussed the delayed publication of the final rules as compared to OFCCP’s planned release date of April 2013. The recently published Spring...
In our last set of blog posts, we promised a series of posts attending to specific compliance issues related to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP). This is the first of what we hope will be an informative and useful set...
In selection systems that leverage more than one procedure and/or tool to make employment decisions, evaluation of disparities becomes complicated, as disparity analyses may be required at multiple steps in the process. Selection procedures...
The Settlement was announced on 6/28/13 and may be viewed on the EEOC Website at The details on this one are skimpy. In 2009, an African American candidate for a truck driver position at a J.B....