The OFCCP published a notice in today’s Federal Register soliciting public comments on a proposed three-year extension of the Secretary of Labor’s Opportunity Award, Exemplary Voluntary Effort (EVE), and Exemplary Public Interest Contribution (EPIC)...
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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued expanded policy guidance on race and color discrimination at a public meeting on April 19 in Washington, DC. The guidance was unanimously approved by the five-member Commission.
What does the...
The Department of Labor plans to phase out America’s Job Bank over the next year, according to notices DOL sent to state officials earlier this year that are posted on the Web site for the National Association of State Workforce Agencies.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission unanimously approved a comprehensive plan last month to make fighting systemic discrimination its top priority. This new program represents a major change in the agency’s fundamental priorities.
OFCCP recently released a new directive to clarify the agency’s policy regarding news releases and contacts with the media. This directive supersedes previous guidelines and policy guidance pertaining to news releases and other media guidelines.
As part of the EEOC's continuing reorganization plan, the agency is offering early retirement to headquarters employees and has requested limited buyout authority, according to an internal memo from EEOC Chair Cari Dominguez on May 8, 2006.
The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the largest federal employee union representing 600,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas, has launched a national campaign to increase awareness about the current...
Recently some contractors told us they were surprised when OFCCP wanted to audit their compliance with Executive Order 13201, which is commonly referred to as the “Beck notice.” So we thought this would be a good time for a quick refresher on the...
The Department of Labor and the EEOC published their Semiannual Regulatory Agendas in the Federal Register (71 FR 22896 and 71 FR 23392) on April 24, 2006. These agendas, which are required under Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility...
Recent actions by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security are another “wake-up” call for employers to insure they are in compliance with federal immigration laws. These developments include nationwide immigration raids against a manufacturer and...
(UPDATE: The EO Survey will be eliminated effective September 8, 2006- click here for details.)
OFCCP is currently reviewing approximately 2,700 public comments in response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) published January 20, 2006, in...
DCI welcomes Harold M. Busch as Vice President of Government Relations to the DCI Consulting team. Mr. Busch has spent more than 30 years of his professional life enforcing EEO laws and advising companies on how to comply with federal regulations...